Ces témoignages honorent la mémoire du précieux petit ange qui vous a comblé de joie lors de son existence ici-bas.
Prenez contact avec nous, dès aujourd’hui, et affichez votre témoignage dans notre site.
In loving memory - 1982
In loving memory - 1999
July 1, 2006 - October 29, 2006 My Little Man
Dec. 3, 2008 - May 31, 2009 Our Precious Angel You are our Sunshine, Our only Sunshine, You made us happy, When skies were grey. You'll never know Kayden, How much we love you, Nothing will take, Our memories away. XXXXXX OOOOOO Love you forever My Son.
August 17, 2010 - March 23, 2011 Our Precious Angel I miss you so much Dean! I will never forget you buddy. You are in our hearts forever...RIP sweet angel
January 12, 2005 - January 23, 2005 Forever in Our Hearts
In loving memory - 1999
July 22, 1989 - September 5, 1989 Loved and Missed by Mommy
In loving memory - 1995
June 19, 2003 - December 7, 2003 I Love You Very Much, Dad
September 6, 1987 - November 16, 1987 Forever in Our Hearts
August 19, 2004 - October 31, 2004 Forever in Our Hearts
Andell, Rachel Lorraine Andell
In loving memory - 1994
In loving memory - 1984
March 27 - April 6, 2011 Our precious angel Miss Myah forever in our hearts a beautiful angel of god
December 12, 1997 - June 9, 1998 Our precious angel
December 16, 2006 - January 14, 2007 Our Precious Angel
In loving memory - 1995
Aspinall, Chrystah Justine Fallon Attil
November 2, 1993 - January 8, 1994 You would have been 17 today... where have the years gone? All your sisters have all grown up... you should have too. Yet it feels like yesterday... when my heart breaks quietly... my arms still feel empty. Mama loves you Babydoll
In loving memory - 1994
March 19, 1989 - July 13, 1989 I miss you my boy
Baldridge, Jacob William Josef
May 24, 2005 - July 10, 2005 Brum Brum...Toot Toot
December 4, 1985 - May 1, 1986 P.J. that's what we call you. You are loved so much even though you are not here. You're in our hearts forever, but some day we will all be together never to part again. You have a sister now and she loves you too, although you never met, but someday you will. We love you our precious baby, Love u Mom Dad & Angel
September 26, 2008 - November 29, 2008 Forever in our hearts
September 16, 1994 - November 29, 1994 Our angel boy
September 28, 2008 - November 4, 2008 View Full Memorial Here
January 30, 2010 - May 23, 2010 Our Precious Angel
December 22 2001 - June 18, 2002 Our Precious Angel
In loving memory - 1992
In loving memory - 1993
November 6, 1988 - December 8, 1988 Our sweet pea Beyond my smile, there lies a tear...for my daughter I loved so dear...my heart still aches..as I whisper low...i love you Sarah and miss you so.
April 15, 2006 - April 22, 2006 We love you Punkin Head
In loving memory - 1980
December, 2004 - April, 2005 Our little Princess Our beautiful girl was born premature at 4lbs 6oz. She was the reason we got up in the morning and we are truly lost now without her. Her passing was so very unexpected and the hardest thing we have ever done. We love you Maddie and miss you more everyday. We love you baby.
In loving memory - 1987
In loving memory - 1985
August 26th, 2020 - December 13th, 2020 You are my Beau bear, my only Beau bear you make us happy on dark days, you’ll never know Beau how much we love you. They’ll never take your memory away. Mama and Daddy will always love you squish!
November 6, 1995 - December 30, 1995 I think about you everyday
June 28, 2006 - July 10, 2006 Love Mommy and Daddy
In loving memory - 2001
December 31, 1998 - April 27, 1999 Forever in our hearts Although your time was short here on earth, you touched so many hearts. 14 years since you were taken away from me and not a day goes by that I don't think about my sweet little boy. Mommy misses you so much! XOXOX.
December 30, 1999 - February 29, 2000 Went to be with Jesus
In loving memory - 1984
September 3, 2012 - October 10, 2012 Little snow drop The world may never notice If a snowdrop doesn't bloom, Or even pause to wonder If the petals fall to soon. But every life that ever forms, Or ever comes to be Touches the world in some small way For all eternity. The little one we longed for Was swiftly here and gone. But the love that was planted Is a light that still shines on. And though our arms are empty Our hearts know what to do. For every beating of our hearts Say that we love you.
October 1, 1980 - December 5, 1980 In loving memory
March 7, 1988 - May 13, 1988 Our Blessing, God's Angel
March 17, 2005 - April 21, 2005 Our Sweet Baby Girl Happy Birthday in Heaven, Brianna! If you were still with us we would be celebrating your 4th birthday today. We did 'celebrate' in a sense...your Daddy, little sister, Melayna, and I stood outside (with our friend Neil) and sent four balloons up to the Heavens for you. I hope you got them! We let your youngest sister, Camilia, stay inside because she would be too upset watching balloons get away 🙂 We love you SO much baby girl and we still miss you every day. I hope you had a nice Birthday. Love from your Mommy always. xxxx
September 22, 2008 - May, 31 2009 Our Precious Angel
In loving memory - 1991
In loving memory - 1980
In loving memory - 1980
In loving memory - 1997
February 18, 2008 - March 8, 2008 We Miss You Much!
In loving memory - 1998
March 5, 2008 - May 24, 2008 Mommy and Daddy miss you
Bodensteiner, Marlowe Athena Agata
May 13, 2011 - September 27, 2011 Marlowe was the sunshine of our lives for 4 and a half short months. Our beautiful angel will always be loved and remembered as the perfect being she is. Marlowe was our miracle baby - we were always told that we had only about a 25% chance of conceiving naturally, so when we found out we were pregnant it really was like a little miracle. When Marlowe came into this world, she was 3 weeks early, but she was so ready to face this world. Everywhere we took her people would comment on what a beautiful baby she was. To us, our lambie pie was the most perfect gift anyone could ever receive. Such a smiley, gorgeous girl - so curious, and full of life. We never imagined that she would be taken from us so soon... Marlowe, we'll never get to see you grow up, share your triumphs, and disappointments, never see what an amazing woman you would have become. Mommy and Daddy miss you so much angel. Always know that you're in our hearts and minds, every day, every hour, every minute, and every second - now and forever.
Bollen, Alexander James Mailand
December 26, 2008 - April 12, 2009 Our champ
February 5th, 2008 - April 7th, 2008 Forever in our hearts
In loving memory - 1988
July 13, 1980 - September 23, 1980 Forever in our hearts
In loving memory - 1991
Passed Away November 29, 2001 5 months old
In loving memory - 1996
In loving memory - 1991
In loving memory - 1993
November 12, 1982 - March 24, 1983 Our Precious Angel
In loving memory - 1993
In loving memory - 1993
October 6, 2022
October 26, 1983 - January 30, 1984 With love to my angel
February 11, 2008 Our Precious Angel
December 7, 2005 - December 7, 2005 Went to be with Jesus
In loving memory - 1991
June 1 2004 - November 14 2004 Always My Sweet Baby Girl
October 29, 1997 - December 6, 1997 I LOVE YOU XOXOXO!
October 29, 1997 - December 26, 1997 Loved & Missed Always Nana
In loving memory - 1964
Brighton, Tyffani Alberta-Rose
In loving memory - 1997
October 9, 2001 - January 1, 2002 Miss You With Every Breath
In loving memory - 1996
June 17, 1995 - March 21, 1996 Forever in our hearts
In loving memory - 1993
December 1, 1986 - March 6, 1987 In heaven with Jesus
July 7, 2000 - Sept 24, 2000 Forever in our hearts
In loving Memory- August 28, 2000.
In loving memory - 1992
October 3, 2006 - December 20, 2006 Our precious Angel You'll always be with us in our hearts. Mommy, Daddy and Em really miss you! xoxoxo
November 21, 2003 - April 18, 2004 In loving memory
December 10, 2009 - February 6, 2010 Our precious angel
In loving memory - 1983
In loving memory - 1994
March 17, 2002 - September 7, 2002 Our precious angel
October 13, 2004 - October 16, 2004 I will never forget
In loving memory - 1992
Jan 5, 1999 - Feb 13, 1999 A light, a life, a love... My angel, you rest peacefully in the arms of God. Although your stay was short, you touched the hearts of many. You are deeply missed and forever loved. To kiss your cheek, to touch your nose, to see you eyes, to hold you close.. for all of these are now memories I hold in my heart that are more precious & wonderful then anything else I could possibly even imagine. It's been over 8 1/2 yrs now.. and Mommy still hurts, I still cry every day, & my heart feels just a hallow. I love you so much sweat pea, and I miss you so much! I know you are safe, I know you are loved and I hold you in my heart and thoughts... those are my comforts .. with out them, I would not make it. May you rest in peace. I love you baby girl. Love Mommy
In loving memory -1989
March 17, 2002 - April 21, 2002 We Love You and Miss You
In loving memory - 1995
April 5, 1997 - April 10, 1997 In loving memory
Carcam, Alexia-Delmi Allyhandra
September 30, 2003 - November 14, 2003 In loving memory
June 3, 2008 - November 8, 2008 In heaven with Jesus
In loving memory - 1996
In loving memory - 1958
May 3, 2004 - Oct 23, 2004 In loving memory
April 16, 2008 - June 05, 2008 Gavin, our Angel Baby Angel Baby, when you tiptoed into my life, I knew it was only for a while, And just the thought of you, my darling, was Enough to make me smile. When the angels came for you, I could hardly Bear for us to part, But I knew they would keep you safe, Forever loved, and within my heart! Gavin, you will forever be in our hearts and thoughts. We miss you forever.
Sept 27, 1989 - Oct 22, 1989 In loving memory
Mar 23, 2001 - June 18, 2001 It has been 6 years, but I miss her so much, it seems like yesterday she was still in my arms, but I believe every thing happens for a reason, it took me a long time to understand that, but her memory keeps me alive, her pictures and the though of her smiling in my head I will always have and that and it cant be taken from me, god bless all the parents who have to go through this I know its not easy but be strong
Ceglarz, Carlena Catherine Teresa
May 27, 2014 - July 14, 2014 I miss you...I miss your fingers and toes, your smiles and your nose. I miss good morning and goodnight and finally feeling right. I miss hugs and kisses and big piles of dishes that I just didn't have time for cause you just mattered more. I miss diapers and spit up and mom it's time to get up cause I need you more than you need sleep. Mostly I just miss feeling complete.
In loving memory - 1998
Chalifoux, Justice Anthony Lee
May 12, 1996 - Sept 6, 1996 In loving memory
In loving memory - 1993
February 10, 2005 - October 24, 2005 Gabriel, for the brief time that your Daddy and I have held you in our arms, you have made us the happiest people on earth. I know the heavens have a better plan for you. I miss you my precious, I miss watching you sleep, I miss your smell after your morning bath. You'll be forever in our hearts, Gabriel.
May 2002 - June 2002 Arielle's Story In September of 2001, right after the 9/11 disaster, I found out I was pregnant with my daughter Arielle. Several months later, my best friend found out she was also pregnant with her first baby. We were so excited since we had grown up sharing dreams of our kids growing up together. She had a problem pregnancy and was hospitalized in May. That first week of May 2002 she delivered her little boy, 3 months early. He was 1 1/2 pounds and had to stay in the NICU until his due date in August. Later that May, I delivered my little girl, 6 weeks early, after having experienced a perfectly smooth pregnancy. Arielle was healthy, although I was ill and stayed in the hospital for 5 days. Our daughter came home with me, and began learning, crawling across daddy's chest, and even grabbing onto her car seat! My best friend's little boy was still in critical condition. The size of a tiny doll, Tyler was allowed to feel his mommy's skin only during their kangaroo care sessions. Meanwhile, my hubby and I rocked and fed our baby girl at home as we watched TV and went for walks with her. In June I woke up to a baby who was cold and gray. She had passed in her sleep without a warning, my breast milk still curdled in her tiny mouth. My best friend's son gradually improved and two months later was sent home to his mommy's arms. Tyler turned one last May. He is talking up a storm and toddling all through his home now. His mommy and I brought him to the zoo last summer- alone. My arms were empty. Looking at Tyler makes me happy for him, but never forgetting the absent angel who I can only hold in my dreams.
Nov 5, 2007 - March 28, 2008 We lost our daughter to SIDS Kenndra Chatman. We wish we had answer to why she hade to go but we don't she was healthy very happy and one of the prettiest little girls ever i would do anything to have her back and it is very hard to move on with out her To Kenndra you will forever be in our hearts and will never be forgotten. We Love You and Miss You Very Much. Love mommy and daddy
Cheatham, A'sauntae O'mari Alan
August 7, 2003 - September 21, 2003 A'sauntae O'mari Alan Cheatham, such a beautiful baby, and name! I will always love you. You are MY angel. I will never, ever forget you. You mean the world to me, you are loved so much. I miss you, your smile, your touch, everything about you was and is so perfect. I think about you everyday. Keep you eye on me and, always look out for me. Always remember, "No good-byeís, only see you later!" I'll see you in heaven. Love you Man-Man. Mommy!
In loving memory - 1986
November 4, 1972 - December 1, 1972 Love you always.
November 17, 1991 - February 13, 1992 God's gift returned.
In loving memory - 1985
In loving memory - 1991
February 16, 2005 - May 20, 2006 Our precious angel
June 18, 1974 - Aug 16, 1974 Joel, You taught us so much and brought us such joy with your big smile and your joyful laugh. You gave us a glimpse of eternity and made Easter real to us. No longer with us our lives to share but in our hearts, you're always there. Love always, Mom and Dad
August 15, 1996 - October 6, 1996 Our precious angel
February 24, 1998 - July 31, 1998 Our Little Sunshine
February 23, 2000 - March 16, 2000 Our Precious Angel
In loving memory - 1987
Coleman, Nigel Christopher Ryan
November 19, 1999 - February 20, 2000 In heaven with Jesus
December 29, 1996 - March 12, 1997 Went to be with Jesus
June 21, 2006 - July 02, 2006 Forever in our hearts
In loving memory - 1982
December 21, 2005 - March 17, 2006 Peyton your mommy and daddy love you very much. We miss you every minute of our lives. We will see you again.
May 13, 2007 - July 28, 2007 Forever in our hearts.
January 3, 2005 - February 25, 2005 Please give me 5 more minutes Lord I am begging you today To give me five more minutes Lord There are things I need to say I didn't get chance to say them Lord So forgive me if I cry To say I love and miss him More as each day goes by Please please Lord five more minutes I beg you and I pray To give five more minutes With my precious grandson today If I had just five more minutes I could say how much I care Then maybe it wouldn't hurt as much When I turn and leave him there
October 25, 2003 - May 2, 2004 We Love You Little Mansie
August 8, 1982 - November 10, 1982 My sister and I never met this side of heaven but have felt some "angelic" moments in my life knowing she was here watching over our family. Looking forward to meeting her on Glory side, but until then, will continue to miss my sister. Blessed to have a special angel watching over us.
May 1, 2000 - July 22, 2000 Our precious angel
In loving memory - 1993
May 23, 1991 - August 31, 1991 In loving memory
October 12, 1989 - March 11, 1990 Forever in our hearts
July 10, 2009 - July 29, 2009 Little Angels When god calls little children to dwell with him above, We morals sometimes question the wisdom of his love for no heartache compares with the death of one small child who does so much to make our world seem wonderful and mild. Perhaps God tries of calling the aged to his fold. So he picks a rosebud before it can grow old. God knows how much we need them, and so he takes but few to make the land of heaven more beautiful to view. Believing this is difficult. Still somehow we must try. The sadest word of mankind will always be GOODBYE So when a little child departs, We who are left behind, Must realize God loves children and Angels are hard to find
In loving memory - 1994
In loving memory - 1989
March 5, 2007 - April 2, 2007 We will love you always
In loving memory - 1996
February 2, 2009 - February 14, 2009 Our precious angel
Born December 02, 2022 and passed on January 04 2023 . "Our sweet little princess will always be remembered and loved. Till we meet again sweet pea."
August 23, 2009 - May 18, 2010 Miss you baby girl
December 28, 2008 - February 6, 2009 Mommy, Daddy, Caidyn, Bryce, your cousin Ethan, Pake, Beppe, Nana, Papa, Grandma and Grandpa, and all of you Aunts and Uncles miss you an love you so much. Oh, Angel of God My Guardian Dear To Whom God's Love Commits thee here For ever this day Be at My side To light and gaurd To rule and Guide. Amen
In loving memory -1993
In loving memory - 2001
March 7, 2002 - April 3, 2002 Our precious angel
In loving memory - 1988
December 5, 2000 - February 9, 2001 Our precious angel
Aug 16, 2007 - Oct 16, 2007 I wanted to hold your sticky little hand As we walk through the park To hear you squeal as I push you high on the swing And you say "One more time Grammy" As I caught you at the bottom of the slide. I wanted to watch you splash In the wading pool in my backyard and to lay on our backs in the cool summer grass and talk about the shapes that clouds make. I wanted to lift you from the tub and wrap you in a towel Holding you close as I pat you dry And hear you beg for one more bedtime story before I turn off the light. I wanted to watch you grow from a baby to a young man. To comfort you after your first heartbreak and to cry on your wedding day. I wanted to Much...
November 8, 1974 - February 12, 1975 From my loving arms into God's loving hands
In loving memory - 2000
In loving memory - 1994
In loving memory - 1996
In loving memory - 1998
January 31, 1998 - February 10, 1998 Our Precious Angel
In loving memory - 1991
July,19,1991 - Sept,27,1991 When you came into this world Angels blessed me Your sweet smiles Your tiny fingers Wrapped around my heart But now its time To let you go... For God has called you home.
In loving memory - 1996
In loving memory - 2001
July 12, 2004 - October 11, 2004 We love you baby bear
March 20, 2002 - May 9, 2002 I miss you my angel
March 23. 2017 - June 14, 2017
In loving memory - 1994
In loving memory - 1995
October 5, 1984 - February 21, 1985 In Heaven with Jesus
March 26, 2014 - August 27, 2014 Love you forever
March 23, 2006 - June 7, 2006 You are missed terribly
March 23, 2006 - June 7, 2006 Loved and remembered
Oct 07, 1975 - Jan 06, 1976 In memory of Michelle Loraine Dickinson. I remember the day you were born and I was so in love with you. You had a big brother John who was 16 months old when you were born and I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to love another child as much as I did him. Boy was I ever wrong. I wonder how many other mothers thought the same way. My mother told me that babies bring their own special love and she was so right. I think of you every day and I try not to wonder of the what ifs. I treasure the time we had with you and I remember the way you smiled and laughed and the way you smelled. Nice and soft and babie like. I visit your garden (grave) almost every week and I just don't know what to do sometimes. I try not to think of that day, but I do. I miss you and so does your brothers. Yes, you have another brother who was born two years after you. You have your grandparents in heaven who promised me that they will be with you till I do. Until then, sleep and play my little angel. Love always and forever, Mommy xoxoxoxxo
Sept 18, 2009 - Dec 17, 2009 Mommy, Daddy, Caidyn, Bryce, your cousin Ethan, Pake, Beppe, Nana, Papa, Grandma and Grandpa, and all of you Aunts and Uncles miss you an love you so much. Oh, Angel of God My Guardian Dear To Whom God's Love Commits thee here For ever this day Be at My side To light and guard To rule and Guide. Amen They say the hardest thing in life for a mother is the lost of a child. I strongly agree to that. Prince left us on Dec.17th. So suddenly. I would never forget that morning, I seen you. It’s been 13 long days without you. Mommy misses you so much. I miss holding you in my arms, you’ll fall asleep, and I miss your soft black hair, your beautiful brown eyes, and your adorable cheeks. As the days go by; Mommy misses you more and more. I know that you are in God’s hands and are watching over us from Heaven above, You will never be forgotten and always be forever loved. I remembered all the times that we had together, your first words hello and boo because we would always play peek-a-boos. I miss holding you in my arms and telling you I love you every night, and giving you sweet kisses goodnights. I miss the sound of your cries; I do hear them all the time. But I can’t come to you, you are in a different place, that tears me up deeply inside. You have the 2 most beautiful big brothers who loves you so much wanting to play with you while your awake or not. They would say "Mommy I love baby Prince" I would tell them go tell Prince let him know and give him a kiss. You have the best big brothers ever! That will always forever love you. They miss you so much. King wondering where have you been, we tell him you’re in Heaven, He asking, Can we pick him up, is baby Prince Okay, Can we go visit him in Heaven please? You were here with us for a short time. 71 days total. 20 days in the hospital and 51 days with us. I wished it was forever. I was looking forward for summer Family time, all 5 of us. All of us, going to the beach, and at the park, playing in the sand, pushing you down the slide and the swing, laughing with you. Just enjoy every moment with you and your 2 brothers. Spending family time together, playing basketball with daddy, playing catch, doing everything. Watching you grow, your milestones, first tooth, first step, first birthday, first everything. I don’t get to see any of that. That’s what makes it hard. It hurts me inside that you are gone and out of my life. You were getting big as the days went by. I tell myself I have the 3 most beautiful kid’s by my side. Loosing you, I lost a part of me. I feel so empty inside; a part of me is gone. I cry and can’t sleep at night because I wished you were here right back in my arms and by my side. I have my fears, Wondering If you are okay and alright, maybe crying for me to hold you wondering why I am not coming, but mommy is not there where you are to protect you I wished I was there for you. I know we will see you some day, and you are waiting for us at Heavens gate. We will see you again and be together once again till the very end. You are a beautiful angel watching over us. We miss you very much. Mommy and daddy loves you so much, I miss you so much wished you were here with us. You are always on my mind, my thoughts, in my dreams and of course in my heart. Always be remember and never forgotten. We lost you in our lives but we truly gain an angel watching over us
April 2, 2007 - Sept 14, 2007 I'm the only one
April 2, 2007 - September 14, 2007 Sleep tight my little angel
In loving memory - 1999
June 2, 2005 - July 15, 2005 Forever in our hearts
Donovan, Kaneda Jonathan Elanik
January 1, 2003 - February 28, 2003 Our precious angel
March 10, 2014 - April 28, 2014 Well my son was born on march 10th 2014 he passed away April 28th 2014 at 7 weeks old things were good he was healthy I watched movies with him that Sunday night with my room mates he woke up for his midnight bottle ! I fed him went to bed laid there with him for about an hour rubbing his face staring at him ! my room mate woke me up the next day leaned right over him and told me to come share a smoke before he got up ! I looked at him he looked as if he was sleeping ! I ran down had 2 puffs and said wow I don't remember waking up with him last night! Ran up stairs and pulled his blankets down he was so cold and stiff I screamed my bff name she knew she called 911 right away but it was too late! they pronounced him dead at the hospital! there's not a min that goes by I don't think of my lil angel ! mommy misses you lots ! and I will love forever till I get to hold you in heaven !
In loving memory - 1996
December 1, 1990 - March 2, 1991 Mommy misses you so much
December 1, 1990 - March 2, 1991 My little angel
In loving memory - 1990
February 2, 2006 - February 3, 2006 In heaven with Jesus
In loving memory - 1996
In loving memory - 1980
January 6, 1988 - July 14, 1991 In Heaven with Jesus
July 9, 1995 - November 12, 1995 In loving memory
September 26, 2003 - September 26, 2003 Remembered Now and Always
January 12, 2008 - April 7, 2008 Un autre ange pour nous
November 18, 2000 - November 18, 2000 Born asleep
In loving memory - 2002
In loving memory - 1995
Sept 14, 2005 - October 28, 2005 Our precious angel
In loving memory - 2000
September 14, 1999 - September 30, 1999 Our precious angel
In loving memory - 1983
November 16, 1989 - April 16, 1990 In loving memory
In loving memory - 1992
In loving memory - 1997
In loving memory - 1991
October 6, 1999 - May 26, 2000 Forever In Our Hearts
November 10, 2004 - March 27, 2005 In Heaven with Jesus
In loving memory - 2000
02-21-21 - 04-01-21
He was born 02/21/21 and passed 05/01/21 at 2 months and 10 days old ❤️
Mommy, Daddy, and his brothers Jayden and Emerett will miss him as well as his two puppy friends Daisy and Charlie!
In loving memory - 1994
September 26, 2008 - December 8, 2008 Our precious angel
In loving memory - 1996
April 19, 2005 - April 27, 2005 Forever in our hearts
December 6, 2001 - January 6, 2002 Forever in our hearts
February 21, 2010 - May 2, 2010 Our precious angel
November 17, 2005 - November 28, 2005 Hunter You were with us for only 11 days, but you are always in our hearts. Keep catching the kisses in heaven baby. Love Always and Forever Mama, Daddy, Emily-Rose xoxoxox
In loving memory - 1983
December 21, 1990 - August 20, 1991 In loving memory
In loving memory - 1991
January 21, 1995 - July 02, 1995 In loving memory
In loving memory - 1997
In loving memory - 1985
June 12, 1987 - August 11, 1987 My Special Sister I Never Knew Tonight you shall rest in peace In your dreams you will know she is with you all the time And in your heart You don't have to let that special person go when she pass She will be with you all the time In your very special place No one knows where your special place is but you If you every need that special person just reach to your special place And she will be there
September 22 1998 - January 5, 1999 In loving memory
September 13, 2004 - December 20, 2004
November 7, 2007 - November 7, 2007 Our precious angel
October 9, 2002 - January 2, 2003 My little man
In loving memory - 1986
June 11, 1991 - October 15, 1991 In loving memory
August 19, 2012 Our precious angel
May 10, 2002 - February 24, 2003 Forever in our hearts
April 1997 Our precious angel
Sept 29, 2003 - Dec 17, 2003 We love you and think about you always! You were everybody's precious angelic angel. You was always happy, you always had a smile. Mommy, daddy, pappa Stewie, pappa Donnie and everybody else that knew you. Your 5 aunts, and 3 uncles, both grandmas. There's more people just not enough room for everybody on here. We Love you, Brooklynn. Love always mommy and daddy and your cousin Hailey.
May 15, 1998 - September 8, 1998 Our little ladybug
May 4th, 2009 - September 5th, 2009 Forever in our hearts
October 28, 2004 - January 19, 2005 Playing With the Angels
June 16, 1986 - October 18, 1986 I'll always love you
In loving memory - 1992
In loving memory - 1997
October 6, 2002 - January 11, 2003 Our precious angel
Gallant, Mavrick Jeffrey Yvan Dawson
Mavrick Jeffrey Yvan Dawson Gallant June 30,2021-Oct 12,2021 Our baby Mavrick, you came into this world being small and mighty. 4lbs 17 inches long. You spent 8 days in the nicu and were released as the smallest baby. You touched so many hearts. You couldn’t see many people cause of covid. On the night of October 11,2021 you went to bed like any other night. It was just that night that you didn’t wake up! Forever our angel baby!! Mommy daddy and hunter love and miss you so my baby!!! Your grandparents miss you so much too and your great grandmas regret listening to covid rules!!! We thought we had a entire lifetime with you my baby!!!
In loving memory - 1993
January 21, 2004 - March 2, 2004 Our little princess
In loving memory - 1995
August 20, 1994 - January 27, 1995 Our precious angel
In loving memory - 1995
In loving memory - 1997
April 8, 1997 - August 4, 1997 Our little angel
In loving memory - 1993
August 6, 1991 - April 29, 1993 Forever in our hearts
November 26, 2003 - April 16, 2004 In loving memory of my precious daughter Kaylee-Sage who was taken so suddenly! Just remember Kaylee, Mommy will always love you and you will always be in my heart! Thank you for all the joy, love, happiness and memories! I don't know why they took you and all these innocent babies! Rest in peace Kaylee and all the other babies. Love ya and will miss you In loving memorial of my niece Kaylee-Sage Giasson. Who was taken from us at a very young age. She was just 10 days shy of being 5 months. I miss you and love you so much my beautiful Angel. Love Auntie Cheyenne
In loving memory - 1991
October 13, 1983 - April 30, 1984 Forever loved and missed
October 13, 1983 - April 30, 1984 Safe in his arms
In loving memory - 1989
October 22, 2007 - December 17, 2007 Forever in our hearts
Gillingwater, Justice Ciara Dawn
June 25, 2005 - August 20, 2005 We all miss you dearly Justice, and LOVE You very much. We can't wait to hold you again. Love Always Aunty Jen, Mark, Ben, and Katie
In loving memory - 1996
August 13, 2003 - December 6, 2003 We'll see you again
April 29, 2006 - September 8, 2006 Forever in our hearts
In loving memory - 1997
In loving memory - 1971
October 14th 2005 - December 13th, 2005 Forever in our hearts
May 17, 1990 - September 15, 1990 In loving memory
In loving memory - 1984
February 7, 1980 - March 9, 1980 Joey was my first child and brought an amazing love and light into my life not just for the 32 days he lived on earth but for the past 34 years in every rainbow and in every passing butterfly. Forever in our hearts
July 11, 1983 - September 15, 1983 Nicholas was my third beautiful child. He was pre-deceased by his brother Joey, who also passed away from SIDS. He is in my heart every moment and felt in the warm wind of a summer's day. Forever in our hearts
In loving memory - 1975
March 20, 2005 - August 25, 2005 On August 25th, our hearts stopped, Suddenly the world dropped, Our girl of innocence and love, Was sent to the sky like a pure white dove, As her angel flies high her parents weep, No longer theirs to hold and to keep, But though there is sorrow and though we will mourn, We must not forget the wonderful time since she was born, With her big smiles and funny giggles, The silliness as she wiggled, A girl with a huge personality willing to share, Even though her voice might not have been quite there. She was loved more than anyone, Though her physical life may be done, When the sun beats down, it will be her smiles, Her Laughter and energy will be the thunder and the lightning that can be heard for miles. And the rain our tears, So that we will never forget the life through the years, The life of Keagan Elizabeth Grant, The greatest angel the world ever was sent. Love always and forever, Your Aunt Catherine Ridout (16 years old)
October 14, 1999 - December 16, 1999 Our Precious Angel My little angel has gone too soon from a life that should have lasted longer. Even after so many years, memories of your passing still loom, but somehow I've gotten stronger. I will never forget the smell of your hair as I held you ever so near, or the smile on your face when I sang amazing grace. Forever in my heart and always on my mind. I'll love you always until the end of time. Love, Mommy
April 6, 1996 - November 22, 1996 Our precious angel
September 26, 1991 - October 21, 1991 My Son, My Angel, My light in the dark My Spirit, My Love, You'll always be in my heart I was blessed to birth you Your life showed me eternal Love Rest now my darling and always watch me from above. It was a privilege to be your mommy. I Love and miss you very much, son. I know you are still with me, because I fell your spirit move. Thanks for loving me in return. Love always. Mommy and Daddy xoxoxox
April 25, 2000 - August 1, 2000 This is in memory of my "so cute baby" you left us too soon everyday drags by without you here there is a place in our lives and in our hearts that will always be empty because you are not here but you are forever in our hearts and our thoughts and one day we will be reunited in heaven and we then will be together always with all my love Mommy xoxoxoxoxox
Griffith-Bolger, Brooklyn Rayne
January 26, 2006 - May 5, 2006 Forever In Our Hearts
Griffith-Bolger, Brooklyn Rayne
January 26, 2006 - May 5, 2006 Our precious angel
January 6, 2005 - November 1, 2005 View full memorial here
In loving memory - 1999
September 21, 2004 - February 26, 2005 Our little princess
Groves, Jasmin Elizabeth Darlene
September 21, 2004 - February 26, 2005 But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." - Matthew 19:14 On a joyous day a baby girl was born. A day that will be engraved in our minds forever. For five short months we got to love, hug, hold, kiss, and see her grow. Her smile brightenend our days and never frowning our whole day was bright. From when her eyes first opened to when she lay down to sleep, her smiles spread happiness to everywhere she ventured. If ever there was a perfect girl, Jasmin was it. And maybe God realized that he had made her too perfect. Maybe God wanted an Angel in Heaven to show all of the others what perfect actually was. I know that whatever Jasmin is doing she is spreading happiness and joy and is watching over all of us, protecting us. A sudden death as tragic as it is must have a purpose, and although that purpose will never be known, it is known to God. Although Jasmin does not walk here on Earth, she will walk proudly in Heaven, holding her head up high because she knows that she was loved so deeply. Let her name sing down from Heaven, for the first perfect Angel has been born. May you be greater in Heaven than you were here on Earth. All My Love, Mom
March 5, 2006 - May 24, 2007 In loving memory
May 17, 2000 - June 29, 2000 "some people only dream of angels.... I held one in my arms"
May 17, 2000 - June 29, 2000 I'll love you forever
February 9, 2004 - June 17, 2004 Our little man
October 12, 2009 - November 15, 2009 will always love you
In loving memory - 1993
July 12, 1991 - September 8, 1991 David was born on his due date. He was beautiful and wonderful. He passed at two months old, on my 19th birthday. He we'll be missed by his whole family, including those who never got to meet him. I will miss him until my last breath.
In loving memory - 1995
November 1998 - January 1999 Truly a gift from God
In loving memory - 1998
September 23, 1983 - November 1, 1983 Our precious angel
Our precious angel - 1990
In loving memory - 1992
April 12, 2003 - June 8, 2003 My angel....my first born...forever in our hearts you will be
In loving memory - 1998
November 12, 1994 - December 25, 1996 In loving memory
In loving memory - 1980
March 24, 2004 - July 18, 2004 Our precious angel
October 31, 2006 - March 27, 2007 Our precious angel On March 27, 2009 it will be two years since the passing of my dear sweet granddaughter Sarah Hart. I wanted to honor Sarah in a special way and I thought that the best way to honor her would to be part of an organization that allows all who have lost precious angels, to post memorials for all to see, and to know that we are indeed, not alone.
October 31, 2006 - March 27, 2007 To Our Sarah Bear
October 9, 2003 - November 8, 2003 Our precious angel
January 8, 2024 - January 9, 2024
May 5, 2005 - July 10, 2005 Forever in our hearts
May 5, 2005 - July 10, 2005 Our precious angel
October 28, 2003 - February 23, 2004 We will always love you
September 8, 2004 - November 21, 2004 Pour toi maman Le soleil, c'est levÈ sans moi. Ne pleurs pas maman. Tous les matins le soleil continuera de se lever et toi aussi maman, il te faudra aller de l'avant. Moi aussi je le ferai, mais dans un monde diffÈrent. Ne pleurs pas maman. De ce lieu o˜ je suis, je serai toujours avec toi. Je n'oublierais jamais les quelques instants Si prÈcieux passÈs ý tes cÙtÈs. Ne pleurs pas maman. J'espËre pouvoir allÈger ta peine dans les jours ý venir. Quand tu penseras ý ses jours Heureux passÈs ensemble, moi je me souviendrais de ton regard si tendre et de ta voix si douce ý mes oreilles. Ne pleurs pas maman. Quand les rayons du soleil te rÈchaufferont se sera mon souffle que tu sentiras. Quand le vent soulËvera tes cheveux, se seront mes mains qui t'effleureront. Ne pleurs pas maman. Garde se sourire si merveilleux. Si parfois tu es encore triste regarde devant toi, pour que je souffle sur ton visage, tout le bonheur que tu mÈrites. Je t'aime maman.
January 12, 2004 - May 2004 We will always be loving
February 15, 2009 - May 9, 2009 Forever Loved Our daughter, you were so many things. A neice, sister to name a few. Eyes as blue as the sky, a button nose to kiss and a smile that warmed our hearts. Who knew you could stop the world and touch so many lives in different ways. You are our angel in disguise. Until we meet again we miss and love you, forever and ever
July 18, 2004 - September 12, 2004 Forever In Our Hearts
January 30, 2007 - April 3, 2008 Our little man, our little miracle. We miss you more than words could say. You were a true gift, and we are so very thankful for that. We love you so much, and miss you more than words could say. www.jacobheit.com
October 27, 1989 - January 24, 1990 In Loving Memory
In loving memory - 1980
October 30, 2003 - January 26, 2004 Our precious angel
December 5, 2003 - March 8, 2004 In heaven with Jesus
October 22, 2004 - December 17, 2005 In Memory of our Little Angel Seth... Please carry on his legacy... and if you see someone without a smile, give them yours. His gift is undying... keep giving for Seth... Give someone the biggest gift ever, and do it today, for today is all that's certain, Share a smile while holding him close in your hearts. "Tigger" you bounced as high as you could bounce... You will remain in all our thoughts, and while you look down upon us from the Heavens above... I hope we all make you Proud. Missing you and Loving you immensely, Auntie Trish and everyone who loves you. xoxo
December 17, 2003 - May 03, 2004 Our precious angel
In loving memory - 2000
In loving memory - 1988
January 9, 2002 - May 17, 2003 View full memorial here
October 31, 2014 - October 31, 2014 Too perfect to be anything but an angel. His heart stopped beating suddenly. We will miss you Mason, you brought so much joy to the lives around you. We were blessed to have had you.
Our precious angel - 1992
April 6, 2005 - July 8, 2005 "You were here for all to brief a time but managed to touch so many lives. We will never forget how the room would lite up when you smiled as big as you did. We miss you so very much. There is a great big, huge hole in our hearts since you've been gone and home just isn't the same without you here and it never will be again. There will be a day though that we are together again and until that day comes we will love you forever and a day, ALWAYS Sloan!!!" Love, Mommy, Daddy, Big Sister Taylor, Big Brother Kristian, and Big Brother Noah
September 30, 2005 - December 8, 2005 Forever in our hearts
November 20, 1992 - January 31, 1993 Always in our hearts
April 18, 2005 - May 28, 2005 View full memorial here
In loving memory - 1996
In loving memory - 1992
March 21, 1988 - September 9, 1988 Since I lost you, My life has not been the same. Since I've lost you, I often speak your name. Since the day my heart broke, It hasn't beat the same, It still hasn't mended, Most days I feel insane. In the night, you'll hear me cry, For the day and life with out, It is hard to pick up the pieces, Every day it's filled with doubt. To have you, changed me In more ways then one could know. I was lost - then there was you, Who showed me which way to go. God must love me, so I thought, To give me an angel so true, To love and hold and find my way, He gives this gift to few. Like a thief in the night, I awoke and you were gone, God came and took you back, To home where you belonged. No final I love you, No time for even goodbye, God took you home, And I will never know why. Was it something I did, Or something I didn't say, Oh my precious Angel, My life will never be the same. Corey... I miss you so much. I love you.. Goodbye baby... see you on the other side.
In loving memory - 1979
December 6, 2003 - December 6, 20 From the very beginning I loved you As I made plans to hold you and rock you You were tiny and helpless as you lay in my womb, But something went wrong and soon you were gone; My young heart was broken, my tears fell like rain, I'd never known such heartache and pain. I wonder who you look like, me or your dad, Do you have my smile and his eyes? Would you have been big and tall or tiny and small? We had dreams for you that reached to the skies. I'll hold you in heaven someday, When my trials on earth pass away; The angels have rocked you, God watches over you, I am Glad I could hold you And tell you "Goodbye", I'll see you in heaven my cute little pie.
September 25, 2004 - September 25, 2004 I felt your presence there inside of me, nestled soft and warm I saw your tiny heartbeat, then I knew that you were fine; A perfect baby we created, one that would be mine. Then that tragic day it came there was nothing I could do, Only wait and hope for the precious life of you. Yes in the beginning your daddy was afraid; Only he would love you unconditional and never run away. He loved you more than I do know, as he cried for you that day, When the doctor said that you were gone, daddy wanted you to stay. He would have held you close to him, and see your perfect form, A gift of daddy's love, would have kept you safe and warm. Only now you are an angel over me beautiful and bare, My heart would hurt if you cried for me and mommy was not there. Rest now 'sweet baby' there is no pain you are never alone, I know you are with your brother in your peaceful home. We will come with you my sons someday only now is not our time, Then we will be together again again you both will be mine.
Hornett, Garrett Walter Michael
October 31, 2011 - December 4, 2011 "Daddy please don't look so sad, momma please don't cry. Cause I'm in the arms of Jesus, and he sings me lullabies. Please try not to question God, don't think he is unkind. Don't think he sent me to you and then changed his mind. You see I'm a special child, I am needed up above. I'm the special gift you gave Him, a product of your love. I'll always be there with you, so watch the sky at night. Look for the brightest star and know that's my halo's brilliant light. You'll see me in the morning frost that mists your window pane. That's me in the summer showers, I'll be dancing in the rain. When you feel a gentle breeze from a gentle wind that blows. Know that it's me planting a kiss upon your nose. When you see a child playing and your heart feels a tug, Don't be sad mommy, that's just me giving your heart a hug. So daddy don't looks so sad and momma please don't cry. I'm in the arms of Jesus and he sings me lullabies!" ~Unknown Precious baby Garrett, I love you so much. You will forever be with us in our hearts xoxo, Mommy
August 31, 2003 - February 10, 2005 We love and miss you
August 31, 2003 - February 10, 2005 Mommy and Daddy miss you so much Honey. Each day we were together was a blessing, and the memories we have are still the sunshine in my days. You will always be our precious little boy. Love Mommy and Daddy XOXO Something will remind me I never know just when, It might be something someone says And it all comes back again. The times we spent together The happiness, the fun, Once again I feel the pain Of life without my Son. It's said that time's a healer I'm not sure this is true, There's not a day goes by Son That I don't cry for you.
Hughes, Aydan Christopher Richard
June 28, 2010 - January 5, 2011 Aydan was the light of his parents eyes, but was in love with his daddy. At the short age of 6 months, he was taken to be with the rest of his family in heaven, leaving behind his Momma, Daddy and a baby brother on the way. xoxo
In loving memory - 1984
In loving memory - 1996
January 11, 2005 - June 1, 2005 My Little Lebby!
November 14, 1999 - November 14, 1999 Our Precious Angel
October 16, 2003 - February 15, 2004 In loving memory
May 06, 2009 - June 05, 2009 Mommy misses you so much! You were sent to meet me before God chose to take you back to watch over me and your big brother. I was lucky, I got to hold an angel if only for a little while. I hope I did a good job sweet heart. I love you more than anything else, and I miss you oh so much...
January 17, 2014 - April 27, 2014 Went to be with Jesus
In loving memory - 1995
Johnston-Pelletier, Magan Marie
In loving memory - 1995
January 21, 1999 - February 13, 1999 Forever in our hearts
March 22, 2004 - May 28, 2004 In loving memory
October 5, 2010 - November 10, 2010 Scarlett passed away suddenly in her mother's arms in Melbourne, Australia at 6 weeks old. She never had a chance to meet her Canadian grandparents or extended Canadian family. Her Grampa followed her in January 2011.
In loving memory - 1997
October 22, 2002 - December 24, 2002 Forever in our hearts
Jones, Charlie Sammuel Marshall
In loving memory - 1999
In loving memory - 1984
May 16, 2005 - May 16, 2005 We knew that soon you would enter our world, The shock we got when we heard it was both a boy and a girl, We remember the joy or learning you were conceived, But to our surprise you would soon have to leave, God had other plans for us all So you went to heaven to answer his call Although we are sad and wished you both were here In our hearts we can always feel you near So play on in heaven we will not fuss And do your duty and watch over us Born still at 21 weeks along her twin brother Liam
May 16, 2005 - May 16, 2005 We knew that soon you would enter our world, The shock we got when we heard it was both a boy and a girl, We remember the joy or learning you were conceived, But to our surprise you would soon have to leave, God had other plans for us all So you went to heaven to answer his call Although we are sad and wished you both were here In our hearts we can always feel you near So play on in heaven we will not fuss And do your duty and watch over us Born still at 21 weeks along his twin sister Ciara
March 13, 2004 - January 16, 2005 Our Precious Angel
December 1, 1990 - March 2, 1991 In loving memory
In loving memory - 1990
In loving memory - 1996
April 16, 1997 - May 18, 1997 Cherished son and bother
April 23, 2005 - June 14, 2005 Our precious angel
In loving memory - 1969
July 10th, 2007 - July 10th, 2007 Forever in our hearts
September 12, 2010 - November 6, 2010 Our precious angel
September 12, 2010 - November 6, 2010 Too beautiful for earth
April 5, 2003 - August 25, 2003 Forever in our hearts
In loving memory - 1997
November 29, 2010 - April 12, 2011 Mommy, daddy, grandma and grandpas and aunties too, miss you so much. There is not a day that goes by that we do not think about that beautiful face or happy personality. If wishes and love could get us to you we would all be there. "And then the traveller in the dark, thanks you for your tiny spark. For he wouldn't know which way to go, if you did not twinkle so."
January 28, 2005 - February 24, 2005 Our precious angel
March 1, 2014 - June 28, 2014 Our beautiful baby daughter Miranda passed away suddenly on Friday June 28, 2014 at 2am in Singapore just shy of her 4 month birthdate of viral respiratory infection. She was just so gentle and beautiful with huge blue eyes, long eyelashes and a wide-eyed look and smile. She had just started to coo to us and smile in the morning, and rolling onto her stomach. Words cannot describe the emptiness and grief we feel for her loss, and for being so far away from our families and friends in Canada. This all happened while I was in Vancouver and Jocelyn bore more than she ever should alone until I got back last night at midnight. We are playing with her twin brother Gage now, who was also admitted to Gleneagles Hospital with the same virus for three days. We are very, very lucky to have him in our lives. We will be all move back to Vancouver at the end of July and look forward to being together again with all our friends. Thank you so much for the condolences we have received, they mean so much to us far away from home. Our deepest gratitude to Annie Lundin for racing to Jocelyn's side with Martin Hawthornthwaite, and to my eldest son Keane who came to be with me and take me to the airport in Vancouver with his mom, my ex-wife Nancy Chew. Thank you being there when we needed you most.
In loving memory - 1992
September 2, 2003 - January 4, 2004 Forever in our hearts
Knowles, Te-Vaun DeAndre Joshua
September 11, 2003 - October 30, 2003 God's little angel
In loving memory - 1992
June 21, 1995 - November 19, 1996 In loving memory
July 8 2001 - February 14 2002 Our precious angel
January 29, 1988-April 8, 1988. “Until we meet again my sweet angel.”
January 7, 2000 - February 7, 2000 Our precious angel
May 22, 1987 - October 13, 1987 Aysha hunny, you're always in our hearts, we will never forget you ......keep smiling
February 25, 2005 - April 24, 2005 Forever in our hearts
September 8, 2005 - November 1, 2005 Hoping to get to heaven, but peace in knowing a piece of me is already there!
June 9, 2004 - Aug 3, 2004 Our little sweet heart View full memorial website here
June 12, 2000 - March 30 2001 Miss you baby doll
October 25, 2009 - February 7, 2010 Forever in our hearts
In loving memory -1987
In loving memory - 1991
In loving memory - 1993
November 25, 2005 - November 25, 2005 Forever in our hearts
In loving memory - 1978
In loving memory - 1987
Lamoureaux, Caitlin Ashley Casey
In loving memory - 2001
Our precious angel - 1998
November 10, 2004 - April 19, 2005 We miss you Dylan our little Angel you're always in our heart and thoughts!!!
In loving memory - 1995
September 1993 - October 1993 Tanya, Not a day goes by that we don't think about you. Your big brother and your twin sister wish that they'd have gotten to know you better. As for Daddy and I, well, we miss you so much it hurts. I know you are watching over us and hope you are happy and safe. We love you very much. Mommy, Daddy, Christopher and Mélanie xoxoxo...
In loving memory - 1995
In loving memory - 1998
November 17, 1995 - June 26, 1996 Its Been almost 11 Years since you have left us in a shock but after all these years we have come to believe that the good lord need you more then we did and we miss you every day your gone but remember the days we had with you (even though i believe the 7 months i had was not enough ) The love for you still grows everyday even though your not around to see it WE LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU EVERYDAY MOMMY
August 28, 2006 - December 15, 2006 Forever in our hearts
September 13, 2001 - August 10, 2002 Our precious angel
In loving memory - 1998
In loving memory - 1993
September 23, 1972 - May 12, 1973 In loving memory
In loving memory - 1999
December 23, 2003 - May 2 2004 Our precious angel
October 26, 1994 - February 22, 1995 I miss you very much Smiley.
In loving memory - 1983
May 24 2007 - Sept 17, 2007 Our Loving son has gone to be with Jesus. Please prayer for us daily
In loving memory - 1991
May 14 - 23, 2011 Our Precious Angel We love you more than words can say...
April 25, 2011 - June 17, 2011 http://www.lifenews.ca/waterloorecord/profile/206000--lewis-cayden-alec The saddest word of mankind will always be GOODBYE So when a little child departs, We who are left behind, Must realize God loves children and Angels are hard to find. Baby Cayden you are my Angel and I miss you so much. 9 days from today, you would have been a year old. You have no idea how much it's killing me inside that I don't get to spend your birthday with you. I'll be at the grave all day, but it just will not be the same. I love you with all my heart Cayden and you are always on my mind. I would do ANYTHING to have you back. Please lead me in the right direction in life. I'm living for you Boo, and I need you to tell me somehow what you want me to do with my life. I'm hopeless without and I need some guidance, please show me a sign that you're around. R.I.P baby Boo ♥ Mommy loves you more than Anything & misses you more than Anything ♥
May 22, 2006 - November 14, 2006 Cherished twin brother
April 30, 2002 - August 12, 2002 Zoey Rose, My sweet little butterfly, As you danced in the light with joy, love lifted you. As you brushed against this world so gently, you lifted us. You will be in our hearts forever. Love, Mommy, Daddy, Jett & Baby Lexx
In loving memory - 1983
In loving memory - 1969
In loving memory - 1993
In loving memory - 1989
Luker, Alexandra "Alex" Nicole
In loving memory - 1997
January 8, 2014 - February 6, 2014 Forever in our hearts
April 1,1999 - May 11, 1999 Our tiny boy was called by his true Father. He was given to us a gift to cherish and love. Schae now resides in Heaven, where he will meet his mommy, Candace, sister, Rhys, and brother, Zane someday when they are too, called. Until then, he will watch down on the family for all of our days with our Auntie Wilma holding him in her arms.
April 1 , 1999 - May 11 , 1999 Our precious angel
March 12, 2003 - Oct 6, 2003 Forever In Our Hearts
March, 12 2000 Our Precious Angel
January 1, 2010 - January 5, 2010 In Loving Memory
March 06, 1997 - May 19, 1997 In Loving Memory
Aug 18, 2000 - Dec 24, 2000 Sadly and Deeply Missed
In Loving Memory - 1982
In Loving Memory - 1995
In Loving Memory - 1987
October 27, 1991 - November 10, 1991 Missing You Always
Aug 3, 2003 - Nov 29, 2003 Went to be with Jesus
January 15, 1988 - March 7, 1988 A Thousand Tears for Coyote By Gordon Magoon A thousand tears for Coyote Were cried that very night Before they came And took him from our sight When next we saw him In a casket white with lace We gazed upon the beauty of his little infant face. There he lay in his Winnie the Pooh shirt And white bonnet so neatly tied The sight was so overwhelming That even the strongest among us cried All his loved ones and friends were there When we laid this little one to rest And another thousand tears From the ones that loved him best He was Grandpa's bestest buddy No doubt about that, you say But he was taken from Grandpa Before we had a chance to run and play We were going to fish the rivers And camp under the starry sky Now all I can do is visit Your little grave and cry There were seven Spanish angels I heard Old Willie say Riding though the valley When they took my Coyote away You'll always be my bestest buddy From now 'til the day I die And now every time i think of you, Coyote, I'll break down and cry There was so much I wanted to tell you So much we had to say I know you didn't understand much Before you went away Seven weeks was not A whole lot of time, you see, But I hope you understood How much you meant to me I gave you your nickname and I remember that beautiful day The first time I saw you I knew it had to be that way A thousand years for Coyote And a few million more Before they come for me And carry me through life's door
May 9, 2004 - October 8, 2004 Children Who Die Are Not Really Gone Children who die are not really gone, But go to a place that is something like home, Where they sleep the deep sleep, as quiet as stone, Until we can join them when our lives are done. Children who die are not really dead, But just like good children tucked into bed, Wait the long wait while we go ahead Till our tales are all told and our tears are all shed. Children who die feel no pleasure or pain In the place where they wait till they see us again, And all of us dance in a world washed with rain Where the sun shines so brightly no sorrows remain. -- Nicholas Gordon
In loving memory - 1996
Sept 19 2003 - Sept 19 2003 Our Precious Angel
Oct 28, 2003 - Feb 23, 2004 We Will Always Love You
Dec 10th 2008 - Feb 14th 2009 Our Precious Angel "An Angel wrote in the Book of Life December 10th 2008 and whispered as she closed the book Too Beautiful for Earth"
Sept 16, 2002 - Nov 3, 2002 My FOREVER Son..
In loving memory - 1999
In Loving Memory - 1959
Oct 24, 2001 - Dec 15, 2001 We Will Always Love You
In Loving Memory - 1998
Aug 14, 2006 - Nov 29, 2006 Our Precious Angel
In Loving Memory - 1991
Dec 1, 2005 - April 4, 2006 In Loving Memory
Aug 26, 2003 - Nov 21, 2003 Submitted by Lenae and Vince Mastandrea Guess what mommy & daddy, Heaven is great, Just like you said, There's not much longer to wait, Guess what mommy & daddy, I have a guardian angel who comes at night, I told him I wanted to go, But the times not right, Guess what mommy & daddy, My angel came this morning, While you were still in bed, He came with a warning. Guess what mommy & daddy, When you were finally out of sight, I told my angel, The time is right. Guess what mommy & daddy, When you still didn't know I was gone, Nonno put his hand in mine, And I felt so happy & fine. Guess what mommy & daddy, When you called the hospital, I saw you crying from above. I saw daddy & how scared he was, And I knew how much I was loved. Guess what mommy & daddy, On the way to the hospital I heard you pray, Don't let them bring me back, I know you don't want god to take me away. Guess what mommy & daddy, I saw you walk into the ER, and ask is he gone? I saw the look on your face when the nurse said yes! It looked like you would never go on. Guess what mommy & daddy, I saw you holding me tight. I kissed you good-bye with my love, And I tried to tell you I was all right. Guess what mommy & daddy, I'll watch you all your days through, And be like your guardian angel, Just because, I LOVE YOU!!!
October 12, 1996 - November 21, 1996 I can't wait to meet you again We Miss You Baby Guy
Apr 1, 2003 - July 3, 2003 Visit Haylee's page for full memorial
January 10, 2012 - May 6, 2012 Will always miss my little boy and will always love him. His little brother and other siblings to come will always know about their little brother.
août 1990 - février 1991 tu me manques
Jan 13, 2005 - March 28, 2005 We Love Bailey
In loving memory - 1999
Sept 26, 2002 - Dec 1, 2002 Sweet Dreams Little Man
In loving memory - 2002
Dec 30, 2004 - Feb 11, 2005 In Heaven with Jesus
Dec 30 2004 - Feb 11, 2005 Forever In Our Hearts
Dec 30, 2004 - Feb 11, 2005 As I am sitting here, I have realized that Febuary 11, it will be 3 years since you died. Not a day goes by that i dont have a good cry, it's hard to believe that my heart still feels the same as it did the day you went away. Everyone told me the pain will get easier but i still wait for that day,so far now i believe that god took you away for a reason, that i will find out about some day. miss & love you always Turdy Bird love Mommy xoxoxoxox p.s. I wanna say thank-you for sending me your sister Kalyee, everyday when i see her do something new i feel like i'm watching you too!!!
In Loving Memory - 1995
July 17, 1990 - Jan 8, 1991 Our Precious Angel
In Loving Memory - 1993
August 9, 1991 - In heaven with Jesus
Sept 25, 2006 - Sept 25, 2006 Mommy's Baby Forever View full memorial here
Aug 14, 2001 - Nov 30, 2001 An Angel Touched Our Hearts
Aug 14, 2001 - Nov 30, 2001 An Angel Touched Our Hearts
July 18,1988 - November 1988 Forever In My Heart
August 2, 2010 - August 3, 2010 Our Pretty Girl
Nov 3, 2008 - March 6, 2009 Our Precious Angel
Melney, Jennifer Christian Gail
Oct 11th 1994 - Nov 22nd 1994 In loving memory
In Loving Memory - 1992
April 15, 1981 - June 9, 1981 We will always love you and keep you in our hearts and thoughts until we are reunited in the forever.
September 10, 2003 - December 10, 2003 Mommy, Daddy, & Your New baby sister Loves you and Misses you. You will always be in our hearts. We know that you are with us. Love always and forever, Mommy, Daddy, & Baby Sister
February 13, 2006 - May 15, 2006 i'll love you forever i'll like you for always as long as i'm living my baby you'll be i love you with every passing day, and i miss you with every breath i take. have fun in heaven. my beautiful baby boy. mommy and daddy love you. xoxoxoxoxoxo
In Loving Memory - 1983
March 6, 1975 - May 25, 1975 My Angel Carolyn, even with the time passing the scars are still there. I love and miss you. Play in Heaven my baby. Love you always, Mommy
Jan 31, 2005 - April 17, 2005 My Sweet Little Boy
Mills-Wilson, Devin Alvin Joseph
In loving memory - 1992
In Loving Memory - 1997
Dec 21, 2007 - Feb 23, 2008 Forever In Our Hearts
Montgomery Rose, Kolton Robert
June 12, 1998 - July 26, 1998 Our Guardian Angel
Dec 5, 1991 - Jan 15, 1992 Went to Be With Jesus
March 18 2006 - June 1, 2006 Dear Deagen, you will never know how much you mean to me. You are my sweetest & fattest boy!! I would give my life just to have you back in my arms for one more day. I have so many unanswered questions we still don't know exactly what happened to you. Baby just know that I will always love you!!
June 18, 2004 - Sept 12, 2004 Our Precious Angel
In Loving Memory- 1978
Morgan, Alecia Alexandra Robin
1991 - In loving memory
Forever In Our Hearts - 1998
Oct 16, 1990 - Aug 26, 1991 I began this poem what seems so long ago However, I couldn't finish it though I had to wait for another day When it was easier to wipe my tears away The birds are still singing The sun is still shining There's not a cloud in the sky But my life has never been the same Since the day we said goodbye Our goodbye was so unexpected Whoever thought it would happen this way That I'd wake one summer morning and your smile wasn't there to brighten my day It's almost been a year since you've been gone But my memories of you are what keeps me strong I still wake up every morning hoping you'll be there But all I have to remember you by are your pictures that I stare. Now almost five years have gone by Since we said our last goodbye You are still and always will be part of my life But the pain that I feel losing you still cuts like a knife The day your were born has changed my life in so many ways And I'll always remember you and our happier days At night I look up to the stars and all I see Is how much it is you still mean to me You will always have a special place in my heart And always remember KAYLA we are never far apart. Your little brother Ryan and I and all those who love you miss you very much and wish you were here with us. Love you always and forever Mommy XOXO
In Loving Memory - 1997
In loving memory - 1989
In Loving Memory - 1997
April 10, 2004 - May 7, 2004 Love You Funny Face
December 11, 1978 - February 23, 1979 In loving memory
Dec 11, 1978 - Feb 23, 1979 Forever In Our Hearts
Sept 6, 1974 - Feb 8, 1975 Forever In Our Hearts
March 11, 1979 - February 11, 1980 Hear the teardrops falling For the little boy who died, See his Mamma's torn and tortured soul, She's all broken up inside. His Daddy fights a battle lost, To stain his cheeks with tears, Yet, they've memories so precious, To remember through the years. Find ye solace, in the knowledge, That his soul is heaven bound, He was just a tiny empty shell That we laid deep in the ground. He looks down upon our misery, >From his place up in the sky, And he sends his silent message; "I'm in Heaven, please don't cry." Written by Uncle Paul
1989- In loving memory
Oct 8, 1974 - Aug 28, 1975 Our Precious Angel
In Loving Memory - 1996
In loving memory - 1996
My Loving Angel Forever - 1999
June 5, 2005 - June 23, 2005 Our Precious Angel
In loving memory - 1996
Feb 9, 2000 - April 24, 2000 Forever In Our Hearts
Feb 9, 2000 - April 24, 2000 Forever In Our Hearts
Jan 04, 2006 - Mar 31, 2006 Our Precious Angel
“our sweet girl, we will hold you in our hearts until we can hold you in heaven, we miss you so much more and more as each day continues without you, we will hold you in our hearts until we can hold you in heaven, we love you so much our sweet girl, we promise to always talk about you & keep your memory alive, rest peacefully sweet girl"
Feb 27 2004 - April 18 2004 Forever In Our Hearts
Nangoons, Shamonique Catherine
March 21, 2005 - March 27, 2005 Heaven's Got My Angel
Sept 26, 2007 - Dec 02, 2007 In the arms of angels
May 29, 2005 - December 16, 2006 I'll love you forever, We will miss you always, As long as I'm living My baby you will be.
In Loving Memory - 1996
Nethery, Duane William Clarence
In Loving Memory - 1997
In loving memory - 1992
December 18, 2004 - March 1, 2005 "Our Happy Little Baby" I know it seems long the days without me, but it is only for a moment in eternity. See my smile, the joy in my eyes. Please know mommy and daddy, there is peace in paradise. Find comfort and peace in the soul of your heart and know there will be an end to the days we are apart. Try not to hurt too much, for this is not the end. One day you'll hold me in your arms again. In Loving Memory of Kaedin Wayne Newberry December 18, 2004 - March 1, 2005
August 4, 2011 - October 1, 2011 Forever in our Hearts
April 18, 2002 - May 17, 2002 Forever In Our Hearts
June 4, 2005 - July 27, 2005 My Little Man
Life's Too Short
November 13, 2006 - November 12, 2006 our "nuppu" is olivia's and samuel's little brother. he died under my heart with 36 weeks, without any reason. he had dark brown hair and 2680g and 48,5cm, he was so perfect every way. we miss him so much and we really believe that he is a little angel in heaven. if you want, you can write to me to: murunuppu@yahoo.com we live in finland, northern europe, scandinavia. We all, mummy, daddy, sister and brother will love you forever.
Sept 26, 1990 - Dec 4, 1990 Forever In Our Hearts
In Loving Memory - 1978
In Loving Memory - 1996
Oakes, Jordan Alexander Onisokwa
December 2, 1990 - March 22, 1991 A Mother's Love Is Endless It was like God gathered all of our family together in his own loving way. They had all just arrived, some from far away. It was for a surprise shower and Mom never knew. Then you surprised us all by arriving a week before you were due. I held you in my arms and you fit like a glove. Such a precious baby boy I knew forever I would love. You were my little sweet pea, just for a little while. Those big blue eyes and you always had a smile. My precious little boy, you would now be a man. My arms still ache to hold you until that day comes when I can. Forever in my heart and always on my mind. You're Mother's love is endless and will be with you all the time. Love & Prayers; Mom
In Loving Memory - 1996
In Loving Memory - 1997
Oliver, Michael Jonathon Durie
July 26, 1985 - Oct 14, 1985 Always In Our Hearts
In Loving Memory - 1993
In Loving Memory - 1971 OUR BABY Written by Rita Henry (Christine's mother) Christine Marie: our beautiful baby girl. Rosy cheeks and soft blonde hair. Born January 11, 1971, in Tacoma General Hospital in Tacoma, Washington. Weighing in at eight pounds and ten ounces, she was a dream come true for any parent. But, the dream would soon be shattered. Our little Christine Marie would never experience: Her first word. Her first step. Her first fall. Her first bite of real food. Visits to see grandpa and grandma. Her first doll. Her first wave at the ocean. Her first trip to the mountain. Her first airplane ride. Her first train ride. Touching snow. Her first trip to a playground. Swinging. Her first toothache. The loss of her first tooth. Her first trip to Disneyland. Her first trip to the state fair. Her first sin. Her first lie. A pony tail. Her first childhood friend. A tricycle. Roller skates. Her first taste of ice cream. Sunday School. Her first day of kindergarten. Coloring. Making cookies. Her first fight. Fighting with her older sister. Her first pair of jeans. Girl scouts. Summer camp. Going camping. Going hiking. Swimming. Shopping for clothes. Makeup. Jewelry. Her first boyfriend. Her first date. Her first hurt feeling. Her first broken heart. Going steady. The senior prom. Graduation. Her engagement. Her marriage. Her first baby. Her first grandchild. Death of a loved one. Separation from God. For you see, Christine Marie passed away of possible SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) in Tacoma, Washington, on May 24, 1971, at the age of four months and thirteen days. She was buried in Mountain View Memorial Park in Lakewood, Washington, on May 27, 1971. Christine Marie, I miss you, but we will be together in Heaven. You will always be my little angel.
In Loving Memory - 1986
In Loving Memory - 1985
Aug 13, 2000 - Aug 13, 2000 Forever In Our Hearts
April 20 2005 - Jan 12, 2006 Forever In Our Hearts
August 20th, 2003 - February 27th, 2004 Aunty misses you so much lil one... your always goin to be in my heart, and i know you will return to our family Aunty Kandi
July 17, 1997 - Sept 14, 1997 Love and Miss You
May 13, 2013 - July 6, 2013 Forever in our Hearts Missing you Baby Girl
October 17, 2009 - January 16, 2013 An angel wrote in the book of life baby JP's name. Then she whispered as she closed the book, "too beautiful for this earth."
In Loving Memory - 1984
March 11, 2009 - Apr. 22, 2009 Mommy & Daddy love you and miss you so much, BabyGirl! We think about you all the time and we'd give anything to have you back, Honey. Thank you for choosing us to be your parents. We are so proud of you, Leah. We will love you for forever and a trillion days! For now, forever, for always, our baby, you'll be. See you later, Sweetie!
July 5, 2005 - Aug 24, 2005 Forever In Our Hearts
In Loving Memory - 1983
Nov 28, 1996 - Feb 4, 1997 Our Precious Angel
In Loving Memory - 1996
April 15, 1987 - August 1, 1987 Forever In Our Hearts
Feb 17, 1995 - April 25, 1995 We Love You Baby Girl!
Went to be with Jesus - 1988
April 25, 1986 - July 2, 1986 You will always be remembered
In Loving Memory - 1995
Jan 14, 2003 - Jan 14, 2003 In Heaven with Jesus
September 28, 2000 - November 23, 2000 Hush little baby...
Sophia was 5 months and 3 weeks old and was the happiest baby alive. She will always be my little angel. With us on earth from July 28, 2021 to January 21, 2022.
In Loving Memory - 1998
In Loving Memory - 1989
August 8, 2006 - August 8, 2006 Always loved by Mom & Dad
August 8, 2006 - August 8, 2006 Mya was born still due to "succenturiate placenta". She will always be a missing part of our hearts. Forever loved by Mom and Dad.
Ponce-Gauthier, Nicholas Markov
In Loving Memory - 1988
Nov 12,2005 - Dec 25, 2005 Our Precious Angel
In Loving Memory - 1993
Potter Graham, Heather Wendy Ann
February 24, 1986 - April 16, 1986 You are always with us
Feb 12, 2007 - June 24, 2007 Forever In Our Hearts
In Loving Memory - 1994
March 16, 2000 - April 3, 2000 Forever In Our Hearts
May 14, 2004 - September 27, 2004 In loving memory
In Loving Memory - 1988
Feb 16, 2007 - Feb 16, 2007 Forever In Our Hearts Read full memorial here
In Loving Memory - 1996
In Loving Memory - 1992
March 29, 2004 - June 3, 2004 You will always be in our hearts. Love always, Daddy, Mommy, Big Bro Al, and Little Bro Brad
May 19, 1999 - Aug 17, 1999 Went to be with Jesus
March 17, 2006 - March 26, 2006 Forever In Our Hearts
November 2011 Forever In My Hearts, My Little Piglet
In Loving Memory - 1993
In Loving Memory - 1981
In Loving Memory - 1990
In Loving Memory - 1969
Renschler, Daeven Kenneth Thomas
Jan 11, 2004 - Apr 4, 2004 Forever In Our Hearts
March 11, 2004 - Sept 12, 2004 Our Treasure in Heaven
January 21, 2004 - May 26, 2004 We might not be able to see you, but we know you'll always be with us. You are our Guardian Angel, and we know you'll always be there! We love you Baby Girl! You might be gone, but you'll never be forgotten.
Oct 30, 1988 - Dec 10, 1988 Forever In Our Hearts
April 4, 2007 - July 11, 2007 Forever in our Hearts
Richard, Noah Alexander Lucian
Aug 6, 2010 - Oct 27, 2010 Our little Noah bear will never be forgotten
December 6, 2011 - April 6, 2012 Our Precious Angel
October 26, 2004 - August 27, 2005 how very softly you tiptoed into my world almost silently only a moment you stayed but what imprint your footprints have left upon my heart. the depth of sorrow we can not tell of the loss of one we loved so well and while he sleeps a peaceful sleep his memory we shall always keep never had i imagined you would be taken away so soon.you will always be in my heart.i know you will be watching us from heaven.someday mommy will be there too, to hold you in my arms again. until that time i will never forget you, for you are my son.Brandon, you are mommy's little angel above watching over us.i hope you can hear me now because i love you and miss you. you are my baby so may you rest in peace. will love you always mommy XOXOXOX We all miss you dearly Brandon. You were only with us for a short time, but in that time we shined on us. You were the cutest baby around. I miss your smile and your little cries when mommy left the room. I was the second person to hold you when you were born and that meant the world to me. The last time I saw you was I was saying Good-Bye and kissing your forehead when you left my house. I never ever thought that that would be the last time I saw you. I love you Brandon. You will always be in my heart. I will never forget you. I know your watching over all of us now. Remember that Papa, Grandma Gowers, Uncle Ricky and cousin Isaiah miss you too.. xoxox I Love You Always and forever Aunties Boy!! Love Your Auntie Tanya xoxxoxo
August 1, 1985 - November 24, 1985 My dearest Bobbi-Jo, Time has passed but not one day goes by that I do not think of you and tell you I love you. I miss you so much and talk about you all the time to your younger sister Jessica and younger brother Koulton. You are and always will be a part of our life even if it is in spirit. Love, Mom XOXOXO
Jan 19, 2007 - Jan 19, 2007 We Have Our Own Angel Now
Robbins, Steph deRuiter & Les Robbins
Mom & Dad's Little Man XO Steph deRuiter & Les Robbins May 12 2008 - Sept 28 2008 Mommy & Daddy miss you and love you so very much Boogie. You are forever in out hearts and in our thoughts each and every day. We know you are with us and one day we will be together again. Love You Forever, Love You Always XOXOXO
Jan 9, 2011 - May 5, 2011 Our Hearts Will Never Be The Same
In Loving Memory - 1997
In Loving Memory - 1964
Oct, 9 2004 - Oct, 28 2004 Our Precious Angel
Feb 5, 2005 - May 11, 2005 In Memory of Daddy's Little Girl
Feb 5, 2005 - May 11, 2005 Our Precious Angel
In loving memory - October 2019
March 21, 2004 - June 21, 2004 Forever In Our Hearts
Dec 6, 1994 - Feb 14, 1995 Forever In Our Hearts
In Loving Memory - 1991
In Loving Memory - 1988
In Loving Memory - 1985
Roy-Guitard, Autumn-Grace Regina
Aug 13, 2001 - Nov 17, 2001 In Loving Memory
October 19, 2010 - February 11, 2011 View youtube tribute here My beautiful nephew Kyle David Roy died tragically and unexpectedly from SIDS on February 11, 2011. Kyle was loved so very much by his parents Karla and Scott, big brother Derek, Mimi, Opa, Uncles, Aunts, cousins, and friends. His sudden death has left everyone who knew him with a broken heart. We are devastated by the loss of our precious little boy and so extremely saddened for his parents and brother who should never have had to experience the horror of losing their child and sibling. Karla and Scott are the most amazing and loving parents; they did not deserve this. Their pain and sorrow is unimaginable. It is our hope that through donations to SIDS Canada and research by dedicated scientists, that the cause of SIDS will be identified and the tragic and sudden loss of babies like Kyle will one day never occur. In his short time with us, Kyle touched our hearts and made us smile. He will be sorely missed by everyone who knew him. We will keep him in our hearts forever. "Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love leaves a memory no one can steal."
April 7, 1997 - Jan 9, 1998 Safe in the Arms of Jesus
August 13, 2004 - September 12, 2004 View full memorial here
August 4, 1972 - February 14, 1973 Even though we only had you with us for such a short time, you brought us so much joy that it filled our lives with memories we will cherish for a lifetime.
September 1, 1973 - December 15, 1973 In Loving Memory
Jan 15, 1997 - June 7, 1997 Forever In Our Hearts
May 6, 2006 - June 6, 2006 Went to be with Jesus
July 29, 1994 - Dec 13, 1994 In Loving Memory
July 21, 1984 - Nov. 12, 1984 I miss you baby boy
In Loving Memory - 1985
Sept 14, 2005 - Oct 8, 2005 Our Precious Angel
In Loving Memory - 1996
June 18, 2004 - Aug 29, 2004 In Loving Memory
Oct 23, 2004 - Jan 26, 2005 Always Be Remembered
In Loving Memory - 1981
In Loving Memory - 1989
Feb. 08, 2009 - June 28, 2009 Our Precious Angel View full memorial here
In Loving Memory - 1994
Sept 14, 2000 - Sept 14, 2000 In Loving Memory
In Loving Memory - 1992
May 11, 2005 - Nov 22, 2006 Forever In Our Hearts
In Loving Memory - 1993
Sept 25, 1996 - Jan 30, 1998 Forever Loved & Missed
1990 In One Breath In one breath you are given the gift of life. You take in all life has to offer, and you give back. In another breath you grow up, and you soar through life. Your life takes off and in one breath, you fulfill your accomplishments. You meet your life companion, and you become one. God said "A man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. God said be fruitful and multiply in the earth. So in one breath, you gave the gift of life. So precious, so delicate, soft and tender You will find new meaning for the word creation. You understand what your purpose in life is in just one breath. But like God created, man and woman, good and evil, in one breath life as we know it, is gone. Leaving us feeling Empty, lost, and without hope. But remember, in that one breath, we had joy, laughter, peace, and the meaning of life. Life is taken in just one breath, but the life in that breath goes back to the one that gave it. So weep no more, hurt no more, but rejoice in the moment that you had, in just one breath. In just one breath. He can help you through these rocky times of despair. Trust him to pull you through, you won't understand now, but try him, he will show himself approved. And in just one breath, What seem like doom today, will be joyous tomorrow. Dedicated to Grant George Scott in Remembrance of all S.I.D.S. kids. Written by: Debra Hackshaw
Aug 23, 2008 - Feb 3, 2010 Our Lullaby The time I rocked you on me knee Was much shorter than that time should be But inside my heart I still rock on And treasure you as my darling son Not a day passes when I don't think of you . . . Mommy dearest I love you, I hear your prayers I sit beside your bed and stroke your hair Holding your hand I watch you sleep My face cuddles close against your cheek Not a night passes where I'm not with you . . . My son I only wish we had shared more joys More birthday presents and Christmas toys I feel in my life there has been an empty place Because I could not stare into my little boy's face There's not a morning I don't cry missing you . . . Mom I have seen you shed your tears I have watched you struggle throughout the years Don't you realize I have always been there Those Christmas's and birthday's we DID get to share God sent me in many ways . . . In your heart you know this to be true . . . Yes my dear , I know it's true I have felt you in many ways Yet I still feel cheated at losing you At such an early age . . . Is that wrong of me? No mom , I understand . . . Just let me say this . . . Sweet mother, my mother whom I love and adore I shall stand by your side forevermore As you fight depression from taking your strength My hands will hold you steady in place All you need do is think my name Or better yet sing to yourself "Our Lullaby" The one you used to sing to me in your arms when I cried As you start to sing, I'll join in We will share our special song once again But instead of it being my tears that dry It will be your pain that will soon subside Just as you can count on your daughters "three" You can always close your eyes and think of me I will come close and embrace you . . . My spirit, my heart, my strength live on . Just as you mom live on inside of me . . . Now smile . . . I love you! "Our Lullaby" copyright (C) protected R.S.S. Andersen 1999 all rights reserved
December 1, 2006 - April 22, 2007 He was a healthy baby who died from sids. It is always common on baby's under one year of age. It is never not even in my wildest dreams that it would happen to my family, to lose my son of 4 months by a "sudden infant death syndrome"
In Loving Memory - 1991
In Loving Memory - 1998
October 1, 2002 - October 3, 2002 Our Dearest Wesley, Never to run, Forever to Fly. I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living, My Baby you'll be. Mommy, Daddy, Abbey
Sellar, Alyssa Summer Carol-Ann
July 2, 2004 - Aug 25, 2004 Butterfly Kisses to You
Dec 20, 1991 - Mar 6, 1992 Forever In Our Hearts
Mar 27, 2008 - Jan 19, 2009 The sun will always shine
Nov 16, 2003 - Nov 20, 2003 Loved and missed always
In Loving Memory - 1985
December 15, 2008 - March 8, 2009 Send me a sign, to tell me good-bye To help me be strong, don't let me cry Whisper you'll miss me, and forgive me in time I wish you were here but it seems like a crime. I want to see you, and to hold you tight But you're gone--alone, without a fight I kneel beside you at your grave.. Alone with your memory, that will never fade. I see it all so clearly and hold it so dearly.
September 2, 1994 - December 5, 1994 Ten little fingers, Ten little toes Two starlit eyes and a tiny nose Soft tender skin, a beautiful smile Only with us for a short while. Our little baby, pure as a dove Our little angel we will always love. Memories of you we will always adore For you're in our hearts forever more. Love Mommy
Aug 5, 1995 - Sept 3, 1995 Twin, Separated
Jan 25, 2000 - April 4, 2000 Forever In Our Hearts
Aug 19, 1996 - March 22, 1994 Forever In Our Hearts
In Loving Memory - 2000
Oct 23, 2000 - Dec 22, 2000 Forever In Our Hearts
In Loving Memory - 1996
Sept 14, 1996 - Jan 29, 1997 Our Little Angel
In Loving Memory - 1990
In Loving Memory - 1994
November 21, 1979 - January 20, 1980 Will alway be so close to my heart
In Loving Memory - 1991
In Loving Memory - 1988
July 25, 2005 - Aug 9, 2005 Forever In Our Hearts
April 27, 1997 - Dec 15, 2001 Our Precious Angel
October 23, 1980 - February 2, 1981 Our precious little "Pokey" we miss you so very much. Even after all these years, not a day goes by when we don't think of you. You were with us for such a short while, yet the impact that you had on our lives will last forever. Even though your brothers never knew you, they think of you, talk about you and miss you too. You'll always be our number one! A poem for Allison written by Mummy You left us so suddenly, without saying goodbye, the dreams that we dreamed, are now tears that we cry. Our pride and joy, our dream come true, Oh precious Allison we miss you! Forever in our hearts and loved for eternity. Mummy & Daddy - Pete & Laurie Smith & brothers Joshua & Neil xo
Feb 14, 1969 - Feb 17, 1969 Forever In Our Hearts
Jan 5, 2000 - April 15, 2000 My Life Is In Heaven's Arm
May 22, 2007 - May 22, 2007 Baby Landon, memories are all we have left, and your memories will stay with us forever until your in our arms again, u are our percious angel, and the time u were with us is priceless, so u let Jesus rock u in his big rocking chair, and let your great grandparents, and cousins watch over u till we meet again, we love u our precious baby Love Mommy & Daddy
Dec 6, 2001 - Feb 6, 2002 In Heaven with Jesus
Sept 23, 1993 - Feb 8, 1994 Forever In Our Hearts
In Loving Memory- 1993
Jan 26, 2002 - July 13, 2002 In Loving Memory
March 23, 2003 - September 13, 2003 It matters not how longs a star shines, what is remembered is the brightness of light. We miss you so much our Lil Muffin Mix. Love: Mommy, Daddy, Timthy & Emma xo
Sept 5, 2007 - Sept 6, 2007 You never said I'm leaving, you never said goodbye, you were gone before I knew it, and only God knew why. A million times I needed you, a million times I cried, if love alone could save you, you never would have died. In life I loved you dearly, in death I love you still, in my heart you hold a place, that no one could ever fill. It broke my heart to lose you, but you didn't go alone, for a part of me went with you, the day God took you home. Autumn, Baby Hachi, Spinner, My Little Butterfly, we miss you so much and will always remember and love you. We wish you could have met us all. Love Mommy & Daddy, and your Sisters and Brothers - Rain, Eric, Jason, Adrian, Lyzz, Carrie and Lee
October 4, 2010 - July 24, 2011 Even though we must be apart, know that when you hear the whisper of the wind, it will be me saying hello; when you smell the first fragrant flowers of spring, you will feel my presence, and when you see a butterfly, you will know I have passed by, and this butterfly will remind you how very much I cared for you, and I want you to wear it "Til we meet again!"
In Loving Memory - 1984
In Loving Memory - 1983
Feb 4, 2007 - Feb 4, 2007 Born An Angel Already
In Loving Memory - 1997
In Loving Memory - 1999
April 28, 2006 - Sept 26, 2006 Our Precious Angel
In Loving Memory - 1997
May 3, 2006 - May 28, 2006 I Love You Baby Girl
In Loving Memory - 1983
Stoodley , Hayden Lucas Gabriel
December 16, 2010 - July 30, 2011 Forever in our Hearts
March 9, 2009 - Aug. 2, 2009 In God's Hands
In Loving Memory - 1993
Aug 13, 1997 - March 5, 1998 My Angel
In Loving Memory - 2000
Aug 19, 1979 - Oct 21, 1979 My Sweet Little Baby Doll
In Loving Memory - 1997
Our Precious Angel - 1980
Oct 17, 1999 - Feb 14, 2000 Our Precious Angel
March 24, 1999 - April 13, 1999 Our Little Butterfly
Oct 12, 2006 - Oct 12, 2006 In Heaven with Jesus
Feb 15, 2005 - March 10, 2005 Our Precious Angel
June 21, 1999 - Nov. 20, 1999 Forever In Our Hearts
August 24, 1975 - December 21, 1976 Cher Mathieu, Although 27 years have passed since you had to leave us Not a day has gone by when we have not thought about you Thought about how you would look, what you would have become Thought about the family you might have had The many years of happiness we could have shared You were taken away from us after a short 16 months It should have been much longer. You are still missed, will always be Our hearts have not healed, nor will they ever Our love for you has not diminished Nor it will ever. We loved you then, love you now and Will love you forever. Hugs and kisses cher Mathieu. I love you Maman
May 6, 2002 - Aug 21, 2002 Our Precious Angel
In Loving Memory - 1992
In Loving Memory - 1992
May 19, 2003 - May 19, 2003 In Heaven with Jesus
In Loving Memory - 1988
Jan 29, 2005 - May 19, 2005 We Love You Baby Boy
In Loving Memory - 1994
March 24, 2004 - April 29, 2004 Mommy's Little Angel
March 4 - March 24 2005 Forever In Our Hearts
Jan 14, 2004 - March 27, 2004 Our Precious Angel
Jan 31, 2004 - May 25, 2004 Our Precious Angel
In Loving Memory - 1999
Dec 30, 1992 - Jan 3, 1993 I Love You Alley
Feb 22, 2005 - June 11, 2005 Love You Mommy & Daddy, Nana & Papa, Aunty Reicy
Apr 14, 1999 - Sept 2, 1999 In Loving Memory
Nov 24, 2001 - Jan 23, 2002 As I look into your eyes I see a bright new day A beautiful child who has changed my life in so many different ways And now for you my baby boy my love will always stay And you will know until the end of time mommy`s never far away in memory of my son November 24,01-January 23,02.
Sept 13, 2003 - Nov 16, 2003 We Will Always Love You
February 18,1997 - March 30,1997 Our daughter Jessica passed away March 30,1997. It was Easter Sunday when she left us to be an angel. We had seen her first smile before she had left us. We have two older boys. When this happened to their sister they had many questions. I know we also had many questions too. Why it happened to us. Our family was complete - 2 boys and now our girl I dreamed of. So I could help her shop for dresses, graduation, marriage all that had went through my mind the day I found out I was having a girl. My dreams were shattered that day she went to be an angel. Thank you for letting me share my angel with you. Jody and Kim Turner and family
February 18, 1999 - March 30 1999 We miss you Jessica. You will always have a special part in our heart. Love Mom, Dad and your 3 brothers Peter, Wade, Dillon
In Loving Memory - 1999
Memory - 1996
In Loving Memory - 2000
December 16, 2006 - January 14, 2007 Our precious angel
December 16, 2006 - January 14, 2007 Fly with the angels Fly with them fly with them peacfully but calmly but give digns signs you are alright be beautiful and spread your wings fly have fundo not worry about making friends you are a beautiful angel i will always love you my little peanut everyday and forever i love you Macie Dawn love mommy
September 24, 2002 - November 2, 2002 A tribute to Joshua From a Father to his Son This is the second time youíve done this to me. The first time you just popped into our life and changed everything, right down to the finest little detail. You took over my life, taught me things about myself that I didnít know. You became my source of joy and inspiration. We had such plans, you and me ñ fishing, camping, rugby, - you were going to play for the Sharks one day. We were going to do it all together, you and me. You were so beautiful and so perfect, that it was hard to believe you were real. The hardest thing I ever had to do was go to work and leave you behind, I couldnít wait to get home ñ until now. Yes, youíve done it again, youíve changed my life again, nothing will ever be the same again ñ how can it be when youíre not here to share it with me? I still hear your little voice and see your angelic little face, but youíre not here ñ youíve gone on without me. I know youíll be happy there, but I also know that we wonít, because you were the secret ingredient to our happiness. There was still so much I needed to share with you, but five weeks was just not enough. But then five years would not have been enough time to explain to you how much we love you. How am I going to get through those long lonely nights without the interesting discussions we had ñ Trust me when I say that I understood every word you said, at five weeks old you understood all my problems and had the answer to all my questions. You fought so bravely and so courageously that I just know in my heart that you are the newest addition to the army of God, and we are so proud of you! So ñ little angel, look down on your mother and me from time to time and know that we carry you in our hearts forever! And think of us as we try to find our way without you, because itís not going to be easy. I do not even begin to understand why you were taken and probably never will. But I am eternally grateful for the five weeks we were granted. Remember we will always love you! Shane & Michelle
In Loving Memory - 1965
Apr 27, 2000 - Feb 17, 2002 We All Miss You So Much
In Loving Memory - 1996
Dec 17, 2005 - Dec 17, 2005 Our Precious Angel
June 7, 2005 - June 7, 2005 Our Precious Angel
In Loving Memory - 1998
Feb 2, 2006 - July 6, 2006 Our Precious Angel
January 21, 1982 - May 7, 1982 Our little sweetheart
January 2, 2004 - May 2, 2004 Precious Alexander came to visit us and brought many smiles and so much joy to our life for the 4 months we got to spend with him. Not one moment was wasted and we only regret not spending more time with him. God didn't take him away from us, He gave him to us, but only for a visit.
December 16, 1998 - May 4, 1999 Read Emmanuel's story here
Feb 4, 2000 - May 12, 2000 View memorial page here
In Loving Memory - 1993
Watson, Tyler Robert Kristopher
February 5, 2001 - September 20, 2001 Our son Tyler died at 8 months old. He was the sweetest, strongest, beautiful child. It has been 5 years and the pain hasnt lessend nor our memories of him. I can only say enjoy every second with your children because it can end so suddenly. Tyler, you are forever in our hearts.
Aug 20, 1997 - Nov 20, 1997 Went to be with Jesus
June 5, 2007 - Nov 10, 2007 Our Precious Angel
In Loving Memory - 1997
Sept 14, 1983 - Jan 15, 1984 Forever In Our Hearts
In Loving Memory - 1997
In Loving Memory - 1997
July 26 2007 - Sept 29 2007 Our Precious Angel
In Loving Memory - 1994
Wheeler, Nathaniel Allan Gerald
February 19, 2006 - April 7, 2006 The time we spent with him was so short but we don't want him ever to be forgotten.
Aug 14, 1998 - Sept 25, 1998 In Loving Memory
March 18, 2011 - May 7, 2011 Peyton had such an impact on so many people in such a short time. She was just too precious for this earth. She took a big part of me when she left. Until I meet my baby girl again, may she always be remembered and may the awareness be there of this tragedy of SIDS. Let's find answers to save babies and our families from losing loved ones.
Oct 29, 2005 - Jan 5, 2006 In Heaven with Jesus
Jan 10, 1993 - April 22, 1993 We Miss You So Much
Whitebear-Lindsay, Michael.w.b.
March 10, 2003 - March 15, 2004 Our precious angel
March 10, 2003 - March 15, 2004 i love you very much mommy,daddy,derek jr and you new lilsister nikia we will always remember the smile you always had on your face. even when someone was sad you would always make them smile.everyone here in there whitebear and lindsay family will always love and miss you. i know to the day i gave brith to you i siad i would never let you go and i still cant let you go. this is my son i thought this would never happen to me but i guess god had other plans for you for you to stay with me for that short time and in that short time i will never forget what you showed me i love you you are my baby i would tell you more but there is so much that i cant say that i would love to say and i do want everyone to know who my baby was my grandpa told me before i got pergnant he siad that im gonna have a baby boy and he will change the family and he did my son showed everyone look what can happen to your baby if your not a good mom and now my friend is with her kids. thank you for this i looked everywhere for somthing so i can tell eveyone about my baby .i love you. Michael The 12 short months and 5 days you spent here are now cherished to be so dear. Today is your 2 birthday, We all miss you in every way. You left without warning, That was one sad morning. We still ask why? Why did our little "Michael" have to die? Your borther ask about you every day, he misses you in every way. We tell him you are an angel now, he looks to the sky and smiles Every night when he go to sleep, he looks to the sky and say baby borther go to sleep. We know you are here in spirit, When we say we love you "Michael" We hope you hear it. You left us 1 yr ago, but our hearts still glow. Our love for you will never part. You will always hold a special place in our hearts. Happy 2 birthday Michael , William ,Bernard Whitebear - Lindsay Love all your family and friends who love you. Mom Melissa whitebear , dad Derek Lindsay ,borther Derek jr whitebear-lindsay and new baby sister nikia whitebear Lindsay Where i have gona, I am not so small. My soul is as wide as the world is tall I have gona to answer the call, the call of the one who takes Care of us all Wherever you look, you will fine me there In a heart of a rose, In the heart of a prayer. On butterflie's wings, On wings of my own, To you , i'm gona, But i'm never alone I'm always around. I love you my son and i miss you with every heart beat you would be now 4 yrs old . I had a dream on your birthday and it was the most wonderful dream ever i always think of you i cant go with out one day with out thinking of you and i still wish and pray that you were still here with i just wish i could of taking you to the park that day i dream of that everyday i love you and i will never stop thinking of you i love you my lil baby boy.
July 26, 2004 - Sept 11, 2004 Forever In Our Hearts
June 20, 2008 - Sept. 7, 2008 In Loving Memory
In Loving Memory - 1999
April 7, 1999 - October 6, 1999 A day never passes when I do not think of you. I miss you always and hope you are doing fine. Your brothers talk of you and I know you are watching as they grow and play. I have loved you always and you will always be my little angel. You are in my heart, mind and soul. I love you Sadie Lyn and miss you just as much. Love Mommy
Aug 17, 1990 - Jan 3, 1991 When i was 7 years old and my sister was 4 we had a baby brother who was so beautiful and perfect and funny and we got to spend a wonderful christmas with him and then 2 days into the new year our beloved brother was taken from us by SIDS. It has affected my life forever even such a small life is so meaningful. I had my first baby Anna in 2004 and my Son Jacob Thomas in 2008 and both times i worried that the same fate would take my children and i had great anxiety. My children are now 4 and 1 but there isn't a day that goes by that i don't remember my little brother and how precious life is and how quickly it can be taken away. Miss you little brother 🙁
July 20, 2000 - March 23, 2001 Our Little Angel
In Loving Memory - 1991
In Loving Memory - 1992
Nov 19, 2002 - April 25, 2003 Our Little Ladybug View memorial page here
Jan 05 2004 - Feb 26 2004 In Heaven with Jesus
Sept. 3, 2008 - Dec. 6, 2008 Went to be with Jesus
In Loving Memory - 1992
Dec. 9, 2008 - May 9, 2009 Forever In Our Hearts
In Loving Memory - 1985
July 12, 2003 - April 24, 2004 In Loving Memory
Witherspoon-McFarlane, Hailey Deborah Anne
July 19, 2004 - August 27, 2004 See full memorial here
September 13, 2003 - March 14, 2004 Dear Alex Mommy never thought that we have only six months with you. You gave us so much love and joy. I hope you know how much we all love you, especially your big brother Kevin. Everytime he talked to you, you would look at him and smile as if you understood what he was talking about. Mommy can't stop thinking about you. By now, you must be God's little angel trying to help others in the world, we can only talk to you via our prayer to God. Miss you and love you forever. Mommy, Daddy and Kevin
Oct 24 2008 - Nov 17 2008 Our Precious Angel
April 20, 1988 - June 18, 1988 Another Sheep
In Loving Memory - 1993
April 25, 2008 - Jan 24, 2009 Our Precious Angel
Apr. 7, 2008 - Aug. 8, 2008 Forever In Our Hearts
In Loving Memory - 1995
In Loving Memory - 1999
In Loving Memory - 1996
Candance Yaxley, with her mother Marlene, grandmothers, May & Anne and great grandmother GiGi.
August 30, 2004 - December 6, 2004 Went to be with Jesus
August 13, 2003 - October 22, 2003 Forever in our hearts
November 13, 2003 - December 29, 2003 Our Precious Angel
September 10, 1997 - December 7, 1997 Our precious angel
May 2, 1980 - June 18, 1980 In loving memory https://myspace.com/sidsjz
July 25, 1995 - September 9, 1995 We miss you more everyday! The pain of losing you will never go away, but we take comfort in knowing that you are safe in a place that knows no pain, no heartache and no evil. You are, and will always be a part of our family and your brothers and I think of you every day. You memory lives on in our hearts and all we do in your memory. We will never stop loving and missing you Abby! Always in our hearts, Mommy, Zachary and Evan
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