Scott, Grant George


In One Breath

In one breath you are given the gift of life.
You take in all life has to offer, and you give back.
In another breath you grow up, and you soar through life.
Your life takes off and in one breath, you fulfill your accomplishments.
You meet your life companion, and you become one.
God said « A man shall leave his mother and father and
cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
God said be fruitful and multiply in the earth.
So in one breath, you gave the gift of life.
So precious, so delicate, soft and tender
You will find new meaning for the word creation.
You understand what your purpose in life is
in just one breath.
But like God created, man and woman, good and evil,
in one breath life as we know it, is gone.
Leaving us feeling
and without hope.
But remember, in that one breath, we had joy,
laughter, peace, and the meaning of life.
Life is taken in just one breath, but the life in that
breath goes back to the one that gave it.
So weep no more, hurt no more, but rejoice in the moment
that you had, in just one breath.
He can help you through these rocky times of despair.
Trust him to pull you through, you won’t understand now,
but try him, he will show himself approved.
What seem like doom today, will be joyous tomorrow.

Dedicated to Grant George Scott
in Remembrance of all S.I.D.S. kids.

Written by: Debra Hackshaw