Currie, Kaden Thomas
Aug 16, 2007 – Oct 16, 2007
I wanted to hold your sticky little hand
As we walk through the park
To hear you squeal as I push you high on the swing
And you say “One more time Grammy”
As I caught you at the bottom of the slide.
I wanted to watch you splash
In the wading pool in my backyard
and to lay on our backs in the cool summer grass
and talk about the shapes that clouds make.
I wanted to lift you from the tub and wrap you in a towel
Holding you close as I pat you dry
And hear you beg for one more bedtime story before I turn off the light.
I wanted to watch you grow from a baby to a young man.
To comfort you after your first heartbreak and to cry on your wedding day.
I wanted to Much…