Dickinson, Michelle Loraine
Oct 07, 1975 – Jan 06, 1976
In memory of Michelle Loraine Dickinson.
I remember the day you were born and I was so in love with you. You had a big brother John who was 16 months old when you were born and I was so worried that I wouldn’t be able to love another child as much as I did him.
Boy was I ever wrong. I wonder how many other mothers thought the same way. My mother told me that babies bring their own special love and she was so right. I think of you every day and I try not to wonder of the what ifs. I treasure the time we had with you and I remember the way you smiled and laughed and the way you smelled. Nice and soft and babie like. I visit your garden (grave) almost every week and I just don’t know what to do sometimes. I try not to think of that day, but I do.
I miss you and so does your brothers. Yes, you have another brother who was born two years after you. You have your grandparents in heaven who promised me that they will be with you till I do. Until then, sleep and play my little angel.
Love always and forever, Mommy xoxoxoxxo